Behind the Scenes of the Winning Team

IS This a Popularity Contest?

Funding is difficult to acquire. And an “off-year” really translates to TWO “off-years” since this year’s funding is based upon last year’s numbers.  

Today’s generation doesn’t posess the institutional loyalty of yesterday’s.  In the process of selecting your Campus from all the others, the quality of instruction and relationship between staff and students influence your customer’s decision.  In addition to the name recognition of an institution of higher learning, your student wants the best education and the highest degree of personal service.  Is your institution known for these traits?  

Tim will show you what goes on Behind the Scenes of The Winning Team!  Learn how to put your best foot forward!   Brush up on professionalism on the campus.  Explore positive ways to handle irate people.   Learn how to increase enrollment, have more fun at work and develop a more cohesive staff!  

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